英国Protec公司对于与大中国区的事业伙伴们有着20年的专业伙伴关系引以为傲。40年来, Protec Export Limited—直担任Protec Fire Detection PLC.出口 之重要角色。Protec Fire Detection PLC.是英国历史悠久的火灾探测产品制造公司,年销售额额超过1亿5仟万美金,并拥有超过 八百名的员工。
Protec公司与其在大中国区的事业伙伴们有着相同的热情来发展质量更好的产品及服务,并成 功合作提供我们优异的产品来保护中国地区的重要建筑物,涵盖范围包含曾经是世界最高的台北101金融大楼、台北故宫博物院、上海迪士尼、京东方、熊猫、TFT LCD制造厂、通讯、商业、电力、军方及铁路方面的工程项目。
Protec UK is proud of having 20 years of professional partnership with business partners in Greater China. For 40 years, Protec Fire Detection Export Limited-has played an important role in the export of Protec Fire & Security Groupproducts. Protec Fire & Security Group is a long-established fire detection product manufacturing company in the UK, with annual sales of more than 150 million US dollars and more than 800 employees.
Protec and its business partners in Greater China have the same enthusiasm to develop better quality products and services, and successfully cooperated with us to provide our excellent products to protect important buildings in China, including the world’s once tallest building Taipei 101 Financial Centre, Taipei Palace Museum, Shanghai Disney, BOE, Panda, TFT LCD manufacturing plant, communications, commerce, power, military and railway projects.
Protec and its business partners in Greater China are fully confident that they can give our customers in Greater China sufficient resources and complete and professional services, and provide a full range of important technical support in your project plan, so your investment has the greatest synergy.